Born in
Prague 11. January 1966
Lives in
Prague, sculpture studio in Podlešín.
I use ordinary materials, not special in any way, clearly categorized from our everyday point of view. I touch them, form them, insert them into clear and common relations, proportions, stories which turn grey as soon as I leave them. Indolent communicators, objects waiting to be touched, waiting for a more fixed stare to penetrate through the rational structure of a specific place, demarcated and observed with the currents of experience, into unknown structures and rasters unobserved by the knowledgeable roundness of the three dimensions. We are still in this our piece of real, we never take that step beyond the frontiers of our existence. Is there not concealed behind all this diurnal mull of our live’s, the tedium, behind that which we do not yet know, behind that which is not known to us, behind that which we will never know, a lucid, simple, pure order?
Pedagogical work
1993–1995 assistant – Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Sculpture Studio – Hugo Demartini
1996–2015 research assistant – Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, Sculpture Studio II – Jindřich Zeithamml From
2015– head of Studio of Figural Sculptures and Medals, Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
2019 associate professor, habilitation degree,Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
1980–1984 Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola / Secondary School of Applied Arts, Prague (wood carving and wood sculpture)
1984–1985 stone-cutter practice (colonnade in Karlovy Vary)
1985–1992 Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze / Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (Sculpture Studio – Stanislav Hanzík, Jan Hána, Hugo Demartini; Monumental Sculpture Studio – Aleš Veselý)
1991 Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe (Sculpture Studio – Otto Herbert Hajek), Germany
1992 Master of Fine Arts degree, Academy of Fine Arts in Prague
Solo exhibition
JUN – AUG , 2023 // 3X1 // SIGRÚN ÓLAFSDÓTTIR // VOJTĚCH MÍČA // EVE BERGMAN // Artbase gallery Wiesbaden Germany
2021/ 2X1/ Solo Show Emanuele Tozzoli/Vojtěch Míča / Artbase gallery Wiesbaden , Germany
2021-22 Sculpture for Zbraslav, Zbraslav
2020 Vojtěch Míča / Situation, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Municipal park, Wallachian Open Air Museum,
curator PhDr. Iva Mladičová, Ph.D., Jakub Sobotka 16.6.2020 - 30.9.2020, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm Cz
2020 Kulaté Obdélníky / Round Rectangles (gallery and garden studio Bubec),
curator Mgr. Daniela Kramerová, CSc., Prague
2019 Vitální kolaps / Vital Collapse (with Ivan Pinkava, curated by Petr Vaňous), the Jan and Meda Mládek Foundation - Museum Kampa, Prague
2018 Vitra Collector‘s Lounge, DSC Gallery, Prague
2018 Jan Čejka Gallery, Kampus Hybernská, Prague
2015 Rozeta / Rosette, Výklady AXA, Prague
2014 Formátování / Formatting (curated by Petr Vaňous), Galerie Dům – benediktinský klášter / Benedictine monastery, Broumov Cz
2011 Drobná práce / Diminutive Work (with Eliáš Dolejší), Gallery Jelení, Prague
2010 Dvojitý agent / Double Agent (with Jiří Petrbok), Gallery Caesar, Olomouc Cz
2010 Ztížená možnost soustředění / The Increased Difficulty of Concentration, gallery Výstavní síň Sokolská 26, Ostrava
2010 Obvyklí přítomní / Usually Present (with Jakub Lipavský, curated by František Kowolowski), Gallery G99, Dům pánů z Kunštátu – Municipal house of Arts, Brno Cz
2009 Sochy do barokní niky / Statues for a Baroque Niche (with Daniel Pešta), Jezuitská kolej, Klatovy
2004 Kruhový objezd / Roundabout, gallery Kai de Kai , Prague
2001 Innocenti Urban Wear (with Jiří Petrbok), GalleryUniversal NoD, Prague 1995 Úžina Skyly / Strait of Scylla (with Irena Jůzová), Gallery AVU, Prague 1994 Gallery U Prstenu, Prague
Group exhibition (selection)
2024 Luxembourg art week /Artbase gallery with EVE Bergman Luxembourg
2023 VŠECHNY KVĚTY SVĚTA/ Zámek a sýpka Klenová Czech rep.
2022 Sculpture by the sea Sydney//Bondi to Tamarama beach Australia
2022 ArtMarket Budapest 2022 // Balna // Artbase gallery Wiesbaden// Bergman, Mica, Tozzoli Hungary
2022 Of the wall// Kampa Praha/ Czech rep.
2022 "I straighten my back, I break through the ceiling" sculptures in the city Slaný, Czech rep.
2021-22/ // North – South – East – West // Together // Ólafsdóttir, Míča, Bergman; Tozzoli, Faust; Lundgren, Gassmann, Raul, Artbase gallery Wiesbaden, Germany
2021 Sculpture by the sea Cottesloe, Perth, Australia
2020 RE_FORM- probe into contemporary Czech sculpture , Trafo Gallery Prague Curator: Radek Wohlmuth, Prague
2020 Sculpture by the sea 2020 Sydney (postponed to year2022), Sydney Australia
2020 Viděné formy / Seen Forms, Gallery HYB4, (Kampus Hybernská Praha) curator: Constantine Anjulatos (ART NUMBER 23 London), Prague
2020 Landscape festival Praha 2020, /place Atrium Žižkov Prague
2019 Sochařská náplavka 2019 – AVU / Sculpture Embankment
2019 – Academy of Fine Arts in Prague,(A)VOID Gallery, Rašínovo nábřeží, Prague
2019 Participation in the competition at the invitation of the National Gallery in Prague. With Ivan Pinkava and Petr Vaňous / exhibition project at the 58th International Biennial of Art in Venice Backspace / project Ivan Pinkava / Invited guest Vojtěch Míča Mgr. Petr Vanous, Ph.D., Robert V. Novak
2019 Socha 2 / Sculpture 2, Galerie města Plzně / Pilsen Municipal Gallery, Plzeň, Czech Republic
2018 Dolejší – Kaplan – Míča – Spirova – Velická (curated by Iva Mladičová), zámek Klenová / Castle Klenová, Galerie Klatovy / Klenová, Czech Republic
2018 Chapter I, Art Number 23, The Old Biscuit Factory, Bermondsey, London UK
2017 Festival M3 – Umění v prostoru / Festival M3 – Arts in Space, Karlín, Prague 2016 Sculpture – Ice and Snow Festival, Changchun, China
2016 Klášterní zahrada 2016 / Monastery Garden 2016, benediktinský klášter / Benedictine monastery, Broumov 2016 Art Safari 31 – Vyrobeno doma? / Made at Home?, Studio Bubec, Prague
2013 Contemporary Visions IV, Beers gallery, London
2013 Socha pro Cheb / Statue for Cheb, Cheb, Czech Republic
2012 Kompot / Compote, Botanická zahrada Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy / Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
2012 Vítání jara / Welcoming Spring (with Šimon Cibulka, Eliáš Dolejší, Kryštof Kaplan), Gallery AVU , Prague
2011 Fundamenty & sedimenty / Fundaments & Sediments, GHMP / Prague City Gallery, Prague
2010 Connections? Botschaft der Tschechischen Republik, Berlin
2009 Sculpture by the Sea 2009, Sydney, Australia
2009 Sculpture Inside, Sydney, Australia
2008 Náplavka 2008 / Embankment 2008, Rašínovo nábřeží, Prague
2008 ArtPhone, Kampa, Prague
2008 Nic na odiv...? / Nothing to show off...?, Kateřinská zahrada, Prague
2008 Brno Art Open 08 – Sochy v ulicích / Sculptures in the Streets (with Jiří Petrbok), Brno
2008 @New Brave World, Výstavní síň Mánes/ Mánes Gallery, Prague
2007 Lustro Natury / Mirror of Nature, Arsenał – Oddział Muzeum Miejskiego Wrocławia / Municipal Gallery Arsenał, Wrocław, Poland
2006 Sculpture Grande 06 – Něžné prefabrikáty / Tender Prefabricates (with Jiří Petrbok, Curated by Petr Vaňous), Art Factory Gallery, Prague
2005 Socha a objekt X. / Sculpture and Object X., Galéria Z, Bratislava, Slovakia
2005 Nic na odiv...? / Nothing to show off...?, Kateřinská zahrada, Prague
2005 Contacts – 6. mezinárodní sympozium výtvarných akademií / 6th International Symposium of Art Academies, Sýpka Klenová, Klenová, Czech Republic
2004 AVU – Škola monumentální tvorby / Academy of Fine Arts in Prague – Professor Aleš Veselý Studio of Monumental Sculpture, Wortnerův dům Alšovy jihočeské galerie, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
2004 Nic na odiv...? / Nothing to show off...?, Kateřinská zahrada, Prague
2004 Stone, Lauenstein, Germany
2001 Neue Anfänge, Bremen, Germany 1999 Neplánované spojení / Unscheduled Connection, Výstavní síň Mánes / Mánes Gallery, Prague
1998 Sculpture Space, Utica, NY USA
1997 International 97, Socrates Sculpture Park, New York
1996 Konfrontace Svárov 96 / Svárov Confrontation 96/ Milan Perič farmhouse, Svárov, Czech Republic
1995–1996 Samettivallankumouksen jälkeen (with Jiří David, Jiří Příhoda, Milena Dopitová, VladimírKokolia), Oulu taidemuseo, Oulu-Helsinki, Finland
1994 Junge Tschechische Künstler (AVU a UMPRUM / Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague), Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf
1993 Demartini – Sochárska škola II / Demartini – Sculpture Studio II, Galéria Médium, Bratislava, Slovakia
1993 Skupina Svárov, Výstavní síň Masné krámy /Masné krámy municipal gallery, Plzeň, Czech Republic
1993 Post Security / Aktuelle Kunst aus Prag, Galerie 5020, Salzburg, Austria
1993 G-Selection, Dom Umenia Bratislava, Slovakia
1993 Budapest Galeria, Budapest, Hungary
1992 Germinations 7. European Biennale for young artists, Magasin – Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble, France
1992 Kontakte / Kontakty ‚92, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, Germany
1992 Skupina Svárov, Galerie Půda, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
1992 Svárov, Galerie Karolinum, Prague
1991 AVU / Academy of Fine Arts in Prague,Dům U Hybernů, Prague
1991 Stipendiaten von DaimlerBenz, Karlsruhe, Germany
1991 Setkání / Encounter, Černínský palác, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech republic, Prague
1991 Erbe Und Zukunft, Sculpture Symposium,Ellwangen, Germany
1990 Art Hamburg, with students of Academy of Fine Arts Germany
1990 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague with students of Academy of Fine Arts in Wien, Wien
1990 Art Party, Reduta – Národní třída, Praha
1989 Konfrontace / Confrontation, Svárov, Czechoslovakia
1989 AVU – VŠUP / Academy of Fine Arts in Prague – Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, výstaviště J. Fučíka, Praha
Scholarships, recidencies, prizes
2022 Australia Council funding for New & Inovative artworks
2022 Czech gowernment artist subsidy
2013 Socha pro Cheb / Sculpture for Cheb, Cheb
2013 Bitva u Domažlic 1413, Baldov, Domažlice
2012 Bad Schandau, Germany
2003 Památník II. odboje (3. cena) / Memorial of the Second Resistance Movement (3rd Prize), Klárov, Prague
2002 Sculpture Garden, Klement, Austria
1999 Symposium, Markneukirchen, Germany
1998 Rheinland-Pfalz Stipendien, Germany
1998 Sculpture Space, Utica, NY, USA
1996 Stipendium J. a M. Jelínek, Zurich, Switzerland
1995–1996 ArtsLink International Fellowships: US Residency – Cleveland Institute of Art, Ohio, USA
1992 Germinations 7, European Biennale of young artists (Prize), Grenoble, France
1991 Stipendien Daimler-Benz, Karlsruhe 1991 Swiss Research, Zurich, Switzerland
1990 Italy Research, Perugia, Italy
1995 Fakulty of Fine Arts, Clevelend USA
2003 Academy of Fine Arts, HAGUE Holand
2004 UCLM, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cuenca, Spain
2017 Middlesex university London GB
2020 Vojtěch Míča: Gesto, otisk, paměť/ Gesture, imprint, memory
author : Iva Mladičová, Vojtěch Míča, graphic edit: Michal Slejška, publisher : NAVU Praha
ISBN: 9788087108857, pages: 230
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